Pishposh71's Blog

I had a dream……

Posted in Uncategorized by pishposh71 on March 6, 2009
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Once in awhile I get to have a great dream. I mean the kind of dream that leaves you smiling all day long no matter if the dog pukes, your husband gets laid off, the kids break the Royal Albert and the fish dies.

 I have had that dream and it was the best no sex dream I have ever had.  One reason is was great was because I had my kick ass body back from 1995 (yeah I know I should accept it is gone) and the other was that the beautiful Robert Pattinson was my co star. 

It was a very PG type dream, I met Rob at some function he was at trying to hide from the press and talked to him casually about all things not related to Twilight. I pretended that I didn’t know who he was and made no referance to the fuss about him.  We went with a group of people (who really have no importance) to a really nice restaurant that was quiet. We entered from the back door and were seated in the back corner.  He was pretty quiet and seemed like he was trying to remain inconspicious.  He seemed to relax when no one talked about Twilight or his status in the world.  He went over to the bar and was ordering a drink when he was spotted. He looked so sad, put on his best smile for the camera and laughed . He glanced briefly at our table and then exited the way we came in. The waiter came over and told us,” the gentleman offers his apologies for his abrupt departure and asks that you enjoy the remainder of you meal. The bill has already been taken care of”.  I remember thinking that it was so sad that he had to live like that.  Someone then commented that they couldn’t believe that I had remained so calm and collected around him. I laughed it off.

I woke up so happy that morning.  I may need to seek proffessional help soon.

Eclipse: Fan made video

Posted in Uncategorized by pishposh71 on March 5, 2009
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Yeah I know I’m addicted………

I have to admit that although I am excited ( like a piglet at its mommas teet) to see New Moon it is really Eclipse I’m waiting for. I don’t need to explain my reasoning as most will already understand it without words. However for those who don’t it’s ALL ABOUT EDWARD!!!  New Moon will only be a tease for all us hot bothered fan-mas, just a shot glass of ice cold water on a hot day. Hopefully Eclipse will give us the big gulp that we really are wanting for.  I know it is crazy to love a fictional character, equally as crazy to love an unobtainable man 15 years younger than you.  However in my defence  I can state that today, UC and Moon (over at LTR ) didn’t post anything I wrote in the Crazy People Letters so I think I’m good to go.  So apart from the getting even older part of waiting for this film I am waiting in anticipation. Sweet ice cube cold anticipation………….

Look who is back in black!

Posted in Uncategorized by pishposh71 on March 4, 2009
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So the man is back in the  USA! all the women can breath a sigh of relief. For those of us to the North its a sigh of anticipation.  It’s just a matter of time till he graces our beloved Canadian soil with his totally fine ass.  For me this is bitter sweet as I am located on the wrong side of the country so unless I win a contest my chances of a Rob spotting are slim to none. It is a sad fact that this depesses me, which depresses me further that I am THAT robsessed.  I am months away from being 38 years old and I have become a mere FANGIRL. Now admittedly I am not squeeling and bouncing up and down in my hipster jeans. However at times I think it would be a healthier situation if I was 14.  The laundry is piling up as I spend more and more time with my LTR ladies.  I listen with sharp ears for the little tingle tingle of my blackberry alerting me with the lastest updates. It is a fickle beast this robsession.  So until my husband puts his foot down (which he won’t cuz Rob’s doing him all sorts of favors in the sex drive department) I will pretend that this is completely normal. backinblack14

Edward Cullen goes to grade 2

Posted in My kids and Family by pishposh71 on February 24, 2009
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So it has come to my families attention that I suffer from E.C.D (Edward Cullen disorder) and I have to say that it has been taken rather well by the kids and even the husband has to get credit for his understanding (or it may simply be lack of caring)
I have been sick the past few weeks drowning in my own snot and this has been depressing for me, however the other day my doorbell rung and I got the best surprise in the world. My very own little Edward Cullen to call my own.  Now the family thinks this is rather interesting. My 11 year old is on MSN sharing the great news with God knows how many girls at his school ( who I will have to watch like a hawk for fear of possible doll abduction) and my daughter is making cards for valentines day about loving vampires. Last night she had the class “mystery bag” and the following is what happened. 

The journal of clues
The journal of clues


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